Today was cool and beautiful, so I decided to go antiquing in downtown Kingsport. I found some of the antique linens, which I collect. I have a lot of appreciation for needlework. I know that it took days or even months to complete some of the things. However, when people inherit those things, if they don't like them, what are they supposed to do with them. Along comes me -- I want them.
I also found some wedding items that someone might be interested in. At River Mountain Antiques, I found a vintage wedding dress and veil. The dress was a bit too reserved for my taste, but the veil was really beautiful. It was attached to a beaded headband about two inches wide and had lovely trim along the edge. It was probably about three feet long. For $39 both could be yours. I have seen similar veils for at least $300.
At P & J Antiques, there was a net and lace mid-calf wedding dress. This would be great for a casual wedding. If you're on a budget, it was only $8.
So, if you are on a tight budget, and enjoy a vintage look, you might want to shop around.